To buy papers online at EssayBasics is a great choice. Some states ban hand-held usage, essay on texting while driving, some ban any cellular usage, some ban text messaging, and some ban a variety of usages on an age-related basis. Your phone dings, and you grab it and glance at the screen. Try attaching a sticky note to the wheel of your car to remind yourself to not text and drive. Still, these measures seem to be insufficient. Answer: 5 seconds.
Stop Texting While Driving
Attention Material focus attention on problem : Imagine you are running late to this class, essay on texting while driving, you get in your car and head down the gateway. Your phone dings, and you essay on texting while driving it and glance at the screen. It is your friend asking if you want to go to lunch today. You go to send a short reply. This all happened in half of a second. Tie to Audience: Raise your hand if you have a license. admit to using their cell every single time they get behind the wheel. CDC, : Most of us know that texting and driving essay on texting while driving dangerous, but we still continue to do it. How it works. I often look at my phone when someone texts me.
I look at the GPS or switch songs from Spotify, and all of these things I do takes my eyes off the road. Texting involves manual, visual, and cognitive distraction simultaneously. Any activity that takes your eyes off the road increases the risk for accidents. Out of every 4 traffic crashes that occur in the U. are caused by cell phone usage. Teen Safe, The city of El Paso passed a texting while driving ordinance inbut effective Sept. TxDot, The ban extends beyond standard text messages to email and text or photo-based social media apps, including Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. DMV, The violation is to read, to text or send messages. So, if you must read a map on your phone that would likely constitute as a violation.
The law also states you can use a device if your car is stopped, however that does not mean while stopped in traffic, or at a red light. Your vehicle must be at a full stop, and put in park on the side of the road in order for the cell phone to be in your hand. We are all affected. The National Safely Counsel states that car crashes are the 1 killer of teens in the U. Essay on texting while driving Safety Council, Distracted driving killed approximately people in this country in and in that number dropped a mere 22 people, essay on texting while driving. In people were killed and anotherwere injured. Driving distracted is compared to drunk driving since it follows the same psychological pattern: when drivers get away with driving distracted, they then continue to practice this bad habit until a crash occurs or until they are caught and suffer consequences.
AAA, Main Point 2 Does anyone here know approximately how long it would take for a to go from 60 mph to zero? Answer: 5 seconds. At highway speeds, when you take your eyes off the road for five seconds your car travels more than feet? unless you hit something first. Daily Editorials, Distraction can take many other forms as well. I once saw a guy on the highway eating a cup of noodles with chop sticks while driving. He was swerving within his lane, trying to balance the cup of noodles, chop sticks all while holding on the steering wheel, going about 60 miles per hour, essay on texting while driving. Lead by Example. If you have a passenger, let them control the phone. Use a Dash mount when necessary.
Can be used when needing the GPS or when using music apps and program your music or location before you essay on texting while driving the car in drive. Stopping distracted driving begins with each of us individually making a commitment to stick to safe driving habits. Knowing the risks is not enough. We know the risks and still ignore it every single day. We must force ourselves and control our urges to touch our phones. Tie Back to Audience: Remember that distracted driving kills people. And if you are a passenger in a vehicle, and the driver is distracted, speak up. Need a essay on texting while driving essay on the same topic? Contents 1 Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject 2 Body 3 Conclusion.
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If texting while driving is so dangerous, people should consider all its negative consequences before engaging in it. Before everything else, texting while driving constitutes a visual distraction for the driver. If someone is driving at 55 mph, this amounts to driving the length of a football pitch without looking at the roadway Gardner, By the way, the statistics reveal the whole picture of the way people spend their times using smart phones in the car. While the driver receives and creates the messages, especially when a texting conversation takes place, he or she does not look at the road. If the driver constantly glimpses away from the road for reading and typing messages, reaction time to events, detection of hazards and vehicle control suffer.
Other activities distract the driver less than that. Need custom written paper? We'll write an essay from scratch according to your instructions! Call Now Start Chat Order Now. Comparing to baseline driving, those at the wheel do not control their vehicle within the lane as accurate. By acting like that, inattentive drivers put all the participants of the road traffic under risk. First, these drivers put the pedestrians under the risk; without paying attention to the road, they are not able to notice the red light and may hit them. Second, they put other drivers under the risk. While other drivers try to follow the rules of the traffic road, they stick to their lanes.
When even one participant of the traffic road moves from the lane inappropriately, it forces other drivers to do the same. In that case, the chances for the car accidents increase. Therefore, moving outside the lane is very dangerous when even for a while. Client says about us Carl F. Luckily professionals at helpme. org can do it for me as soon as I need. Thank you! I am very appreciative of the excellent work you did on my paper. I got the highest mark in the class! I am a working student and I don't have enough time for doing boring paperwork. Besides, I want to spend time with my friends. Luckily helpme.
org can help me. Thank you, guys! The study involved investigating drivers using cell phone to text while driving. Distraction caused by the use of mobile phone while driving increases the reaction time of drivers increasing the likelihood of accident. This study compares the reaction time of […]. There have been many technological advancements in recent years, especially in the field of information communication technology. Cellular phones have become a part of our lives, permeating every part of our social and personal lives. One of the fields that have been affected by this phenomenon is driving, many times to fatal ends. The introduction […]. There are various rules and regulations with regards to one having a driving license.
Some […]. The number of accidents on public roads has increased over the last several years. Stakeholders are calling for strong action and alternative programs to minimize road accidents. Currently, only 35 states the US have completely banned texting for all its road users, but this is not enough to curb the problem. There is the need for a nationwide ban on texting driving as recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board. Laws were banning texting while driving will save many lives in America. With the new trend of texting close to 5, deaths and numerous injuries have been caused by distracted drivers. It is imperative that the government should take stricter action to minimize the increasing death caused by young drivers.
To effectively eliminate this vice, it is necessary for the government to enact unifying laws and stricter punishment for those who text while driving. These new laws need to ban text driving for everyone not just young drivers because texting driving has similar effect on everyone. There should be no objection to laws for texting while driving. Each state needs to have similar laws against texting while driving, Massachusetts laws on texting while driving should be a model for other states. Massachusetts has the strictest laws on road safety. Punishment for those found texting while driving should be stiffened to push people to dig deeper into their pockets to pay more.
Fine alone is not enough; stricter regulation should include license suspension to make people keep off their phones while driving. Besides enacting new laws, alternative road safety programs need to be initiated to educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving more so on texting. The government needs to pass laws that make it compulsory for everyone to take distracted driving lessons. A national ban combined with alternative road safety programs will reduce the number of accidents caused by text driving. Do you need a well written persuasive essay? To buy papers online at EssayBasics is a great choice.
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