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Miscommunication essay

Miscommunication essay

Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Site Map Advertise Cookie Settings. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. If employees in the production line abuse drugs, then it is more dangerous especially if they use or operate heavy or dangerous machinery SAMHSA, miscommunication essay, n. I would depict a miscommunication incident which occurred on the first twenty-four hours I landed in Canada, miscommunication essay. She is speaking to Desdemona, and she is discussing the faults of men, and how they tend to blame them on women. Better Miscommunication essay Channel. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

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In mass communications there are many ways top get a message across to other people. In today's world, the means sometimes justifies the end. We have all the technology we can handle and for some reason communicating does seem to get any better, or easier. No matter how technologically savvy a person is, it doesn't mean anything if you do not understand the message being sent to you. Miscommunication, miscommunication essay, or misinterpretation, is one of the world's biggest problems. Not money, business, love, even one's mental capacity; the thing that always causes problems is miscommunication. In Introduction to Mass Communications, miscommunication essay, it is taught that in order to communicate miscommunication essay needs to be five things - a sender Amiscommunication essay, a message, a medium, a decoder and a receiver B.

A, the person who is sending the message, must take the time to create the content to which they are trying to communicate to B. That content is called miscommunication essay message - A can only create miscommunication essay message if they know who B is. After the message has been constructed, A must now find a way to get the message across to B, miscommunication essay. Miscommunication essay particular method of getting the message out is called a medium, miscommunication essay. Some examples of a medium the plural form being media are the telephone, the Internet, newspapers, the air and one's voice, paper, TV, radios and a list of others.

After A - the sender - creates the content - the message - they must find a medium to convey the message to B and from there it is up to B to interpret the message. When the message physically gets to B they must then decode it - breaking it down so that they understand the message, miscommunication essay. Understanding these basic concepts is not the problem, the problem is what comes in between A and B that causes miscommunication. People don't stop to think about these five important steps to communicating. Some people figure that as long as they send the message it will be understood and that everything will be ok.

In other words, miscommunication is conveyed through the main character of the story. Already in the beginning of the story, there is a great deal of miscommunication between the narrator and her husband. Not only is this a problem with their miscommunication but a problem in their marriage itself. Moreover, this can be seen as the direct result of miscommunication between the character and the society which she lives in. However, a majority of everyday conflicts that we encounter can be traced to cultural miscommunication or ignorance. There are many factors that affect intercultural miscommunication, some of which are: different communication norms, and different communication styles.

To explore the issue of intercultural miscommunication, we can use different value-based dimension such as individualism-collectivism and power-distance. In conclusion, I personally feel that The miscommunication hypothesis argues that many incidences of coercive sex are brought about by simple "miscommunications" regarding the sexual wants miscommunication essay desires of the victim and the perpetrator, miscommunication essay. First, let us examine the miscommunication hypothesis. They were specifically focused on whether or miscommunication essay, or how miscommunication essay miscommunication factored into heterosexual encounters where the female had turned down the male's initial Alternatively, others suggest that opposite genders miscommunication essay miscommunication problems due to cultural and environmental factors.

In order to be able to solve some of the problems associated with gender miscommunications, we should distinguish first between the two different types of communications: verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Because of the differences in the verbal communication styles females an The fork in the road is the opposite side of the coin, avoiding miscommunication. In order to try not to miscommunication essay miscommunication, I believe many rules or tools can help. A major mistake to avoid miscommunication is miscommunication essay personalities. Tools for Teams, pg I have written only a fraction on the complex subject of effective communication and the flipside, avoiding miscommunication. I suppose the best way to avoid miscommunication is to have effective communication.

When expressing her points of miscommunication to the audience, her audience seems to be people who struggle with life and communication themselves. One of the major themes in the story is miscommunication. The process is influenced mainly by miscommunication on Gabriels' side. We can see how the miscommunication happens here when Gabriel is concerned in his desires and thoughts and does not pay attention to Gretta, miscommunication essay. Gabriel has learned to re-evaluate his wife by the learning process that he went through, miscommunication essay, throughout the story, which was mainly influenced by miscommunication. The first prime example of miscommunication is when Susan was shot. Another prime example of our theme is with Susan and Richard who have a bad case of miscommunication.

Cheiko and her father also had a case of miscommunication as well. Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. Miscommunication Word Count: Approx Pages: 2 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 27 Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to miscommunication essay the paper. Essays Related to Miscommunication 1. Miscommunication in The Yellow Wallpaper. Word Count: Approx Pages: 5 Grade Level: High School. intercultural misscommunicatio. Word Count: Approx Pages: 4 Grade Level: Undergraduate. Intercultual Misscommunication. The Date Rape Crisis. Word Count: Approx Pages: miscommunication essay Has Bibliography Grade Level: Undergraduate.

Gender And Communication. Word Count: Approx Pages: 7 Has Bibliography Grade Miscommunication essay Undergraduate. Analysis of But What Do You Mean. Word Count: Approx Pages: 1 Grade Level: High School. THE DEAD BY JAMES JOYCE. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Grade Level: High School. Babel - Connecting the Plots.

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For example, the personal relationships and family conditions often affect the workplace performance. Ways in which employees can be motivated in such instances are some of the concerns of today's human resource managers. In such scenarios, counselling sessions need to be availed and the employee helped to get over their personal issues so that their performance at work is not affected and that their motivation is back. Insomnia occurs when someone experiences difficulty falling and staying asleep New Perspective, Maybe they just moved to a new place much different from their last, or maybe they consumed too much caffeine earlier that day and the effects are still present in their system. decision making should be natural, and yes we all make mistakes, but to be creating a lot of mistakes in a short period of time is not natural and needs to be addressed.

Try to evaluate your decisions and learn from mistakes do not dwell on bad decisions this is what leads to negative stress. Depression Or General Unhappiness If you are sad, angry, or just plain unhappy in an obsessive way this can be a sign of high negative stress in you life. Life is too short, as we all have heard a lot, and to be unhappy and depressed is not at all healthy. It can be disheartening to an individual to put so much effort into what they are being paid to do just to find out that because of poor communication their work may have all been for nothing. Taking in the information and comprehending it is the first step to conveying what you are looking to accomplish. Getting to the point with people immediately with a task at hand can prevent the inability to finish any given responsibility in a timely manner.

Home Page Miscommunication Essay. Miscommunication Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Throughout my career, I have always championed communication among my co-workers despite the current position I have held. For this reason, I believe that communication is a vital part of an efficient and safe work environment. From my sixteen years of professional experience, I have seen miscommunication cause uncertainty, tension, and stress among my colleagues and general working atmosphere. It is safe to say that miscommunication causes a plethora of complications, but one central obstacle is the ambiguity and uncertainty it causes among colleagues.

As an employee, a person wants to understand their position and be confident of their work, but if that person is uncertain of what their job entails then they cannot perform it to their best abilities. For example, I have experienced a similar situation. I was recruited for and given a management position, but my workload differs from my job description. Due …show more content… Miscommunication creates stress-related health problems in individuals. For example, the miscommunication caused conflict I have experienced at work has only added to the high amount of stress I have daily. It causes me to lose sleep, become irritable, and have severe anxiety. Many of my coworkers have experienced similar side effects from the stress caused by our work environment.

Miscommunication can easily cause people stress. There should be at least a weekly meeting with office personnel in order to go over any issues that have risen. Before anyone is offered a position there should be a completed application and a copy of his or her transcript on…. Sometimes the use of this language is done so unknowingly or the person using it is unaware of just how offensive this langue can be. Biased language is used to classify and stereotype people of radial and ethnic groups, and it is used in a lot of everyday conversation. In the conversations I experienced in conversations I had and in ones I heard others having contained more racial and….

In our daily life, we usually may meet some situations which are like misreadings,mishearing, or temporary forgetting in our communication process. When the people meet these situations, they are maybe going to losing their minds. Even some of them who are always claiming that we never make any mistakes. When we have these mistakes in our communicating or writing,we will feel embarrassing or losing confidence. What is wrong with us? Once I have calmed myself down I will approach the person and talk about. Though usually working with those kind of people seem impossible, I have encountered a few who had changed the way they talk too others.

My family on the other hand it is too much like a learnt behavior. Hard to break when you do not know when you are doing them. What are your nonverbal triggers? Even if you are given a date, it may be cancelled at the last minute. Doing an elective caesarean is dependent on theatres and Doctors being free. If there are lots of emergencies happening, then obviously they will take priority and you may be asked to go home and come back at a later date. TOP TIP! This proves that people struggle to find his or her self and technology has impacted them to not think freely to show empathy. Additionally, people now struggle when it comes to public speaking and handling problems in person. Read more Hospitality Sociology Management Communication Family Planning Experience Hotels Resort Client Situation Email 2 Pages Communication Contingency Plans Course Work Examples Emergencies come with a myriad of challenges with some acting as a crude lesson for future emergency responses.

Communication among the team members is a critical component of the evacuation process Turoff, et al. In the case of miscommunication, it means that the team may not achieve its optimum objective of saving the lives of the affected individuals. COM, The two-way-radio has been one of the inventions that have become crucial in evacuation procedures. However, it has not been without its challenges. These challenges Read more Communication Team Media Radio Life Wireless Technology Evacuation Teamwork Emergency Incident Challenges Commander 2 Pages Good Example Of Course Work On Evidence-Based Practice: Improving Patient Handoffs Patients receiving acute care typically go through different levels of care encountering numerous health care providers in the process.

For example, a stroke patient who undergoes cranial surgery will be admitted into the PACU. Once stable, he is admitted into the medical-surgical unit and then discharged into long-term rehabilitation. Prior to being sent home, he is advised to see his primary care physician for follow-ups. Throughout the many transitions in each health care experience, handoffs occur between health care professionals working in each unit during changes in shift. Handoffs also take place between providers of one unit or level of It is the culture of a people that gives them a sense of belonging, identity and pride of who they are.

Culture is an integral part of a people and cannot be separated from them. Being passed from one generation to another, culture is indelible in the hearts and souls of its perpetrators. The centrality of culture has a number of effects in shaping the opinion, style and character of a people. It is to this effect that various groups of people have their own way of Read more Culture Belief Body Language World Conflict Space Understanding Communication People Cultures Individual Intercultural 7 Pages Good Example Of Course Work On Masking Poor Communication When a person says something and it is not what the other hears is a typical miscommunication. It happens to all, we say something, and it is misunderstood or taken out of context, the person hearing it suddenly becomes exasperated.

They respond about it without thinking deeply and everything left with big problem or drama. It really happens anywhere, at work, at school, and at home. It also happens in marriages and different relationships almost every lifestyle. The issue or problem is not an issue until somebody will respond. The response stimulates the fire and blends it up until everything is Read more Communication Hospitality Friendship World Moment Time Perspective Friends People Conversation Miscommunication Poverty 3 Pages Example Of Essay On Thinking About Rape Rape is obviously considered a gendered crime. This is considered true because of our concept of rape and how it plays out in the real world— both the idea and act of rape are used to perpetuate a patriarchal gender hierarchy.

In her powerful theory of violence, Eesha Pandit made clear that violence, in general, is considered gendered and functionalized. It is always deliberated that sexual violence is more often enacted by men against women. But we do not have any clue about how strong the gender disparity is mostly because of how gendered our notion of rape is. Taking the FBI, Read more Sexual Abuse Crime Victimology Women Violence Criminal Justice Discrimination Culture Men Gender Model People 5 Pages Good Example Of Dissertation On Clinical Handoff Communication Of Ambulance Patients In The Emergency Department Transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for a patient, or groups of patients, to another person or professional groups on a temporary or permanent basis is referred to as clinical handoff.

Transfer of patients and their information has an element of risk. This process can involve a written report, however the process mostly involves verbal information exchange between allied health staff, nurses, and physicians. There are minimal guidelines for information exchange, and nurses can take a major role and participate in interprofessional collaboration to improve the practice. Substandard handoffs potentially can place patients at risk Indeed, a lot of people face such problem as miscommunication between spouses, close friends and relatives. People tend to think that they know well their spouse, best friend, etc. However, in spite of all closeness, it is still impossible to Read more Communication Relationships Democracy Belief Parents Friendship Poverty Thinking People Poor Miscommunication Friends 2 Pages Free Research Paper On General Concepts Of Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication.

Interpersonal Communication in Relationships Abstract Interpersonal communication is believed to be present since the beginning of human life on earth. However, it has always been marked with certain issues such as ineffective communication, wrongfully used communicational tools, and its detrimental impact on relations. Communication and relation are strongly interdependent. This paper sets out to find out the solutions to these communicational problems with respect to their influence on relations. Both examples from existing literature as well as personal experience will be utilized to reach the most appropriate conclusion. Techniques utilized for interpersonal communication usually shape or direct The Dead provides a broad perspective over which some issues can be painted.

The setting of the story is the annual dinner and party dance, hosted by Julia, Mary, and Kate. The house help has the responsibility of welcoming visitors to the event that is hosted at the family residence. The event attracts both friends and relatives, yet there is a manifestation of favoritism in the construction of the story. Despite the arrival of the visitors, Julia and Kate are anxious to welcome their nephew and the wife at the party. When Gabriel arrives at the event, he commences a conversation with Read more Family Literature Life Women Love Party Wife Death Church Pope Discussion People 5 Pages Importance Of The Language In Perception Of A Person Essay With a quickly growing globalization, people have started to pay more attention to the role of language in their lives.

Language has become a link to new possibilities, options, career opportunities and other advantages for each and everyone. The English language has caught the world rapidly, turning into the worldwide means of communication. However, does it differ much what kind of language a person speaks; does it influence perception of this very person? The question is being investigated by many researchers. They have conducted a number of studies and experiments to understand a role of language in the general presentation of a human being. Read more Life Psychology Skills Language Perception People Attention Cheng Role Speaker Experiments Using 2 Pages Engineering Disasters Essay Example Introduction. There are no specific reasons due to which disasters happen in the field of science and technology.

The engineers who put the foundation stones for a given construction of a building, roads, railways, dockyards, bridges or any other engineering monuments put in their hard efforts before actually carrying out their work. The thesis of this report will discuss on learning the key lessons from the engineering disasters and considering the recommendations that will avoid Read more Disaster Structure Construction Design Education Real Estate Engineering Miscommunication Building Teamwork Stress Load 4 Pages Good Report About Why Organisations Use Project Management To Achieve Their Strategic Objectives 1.

Introduction In the current increasingly uncertain market environment, it is difficult for firms to maintain their competitiveness in the marketplace and to increase their market share. In this context, businesses recognise the importance of enhancing managerial efficiency in planning, organising, and controlling various organisational activities so as to achieve a competitive edge over market rivals. The concept of project management has gained great popularity over the last few decades as a result of growing complexity in the business landscape and mounting volume of business transactions Webb, , p. Corporate managers believed that the idea of project management might assist Read more Project Management Project Management Goals Strategy Organization Time Management Strategic Objectives Business Organisation Teamwork Team 10 Pages Sample Essay On Professional Communication: Intercultural Issues In Health Communication Trained medical professionals attend to patients of diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds, different age groups, different sexes, as well as patients with different educational backgrounds something that that makes communication between them more multifarious and difficult.

Professionals in this field are required by law that they increase their communication competencies in culturally diverse healthcare contexts, where the cultural diversity of patients and staff challenges the professionals in the field. It is believed that the intercultural lens is appropriate for understanding the issue of intercultural communication, which usually involves miscommunication in hospital settings Coiera and Tombs, The refresher course the medical Read more Patient Nursing Health Health Care Skills Medicine Communication Culture Intercultural Healthcare Training Competence 7 Pages Free Essay On The Importance Of Effective Communication In Everyday Life Please insert your name Please mention your institutional affiliation. This essay defines effective communication and puts forth its importance in everyday life with the help of a few examples.

It also explains miscommunication that occurs when a message is not communicated clearly. An example from Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa is used to show how miscommunication can happen. This paper refers to works of Angeliki Tzanne and Julia T. Wood to get a better insight into effective communication. Learning theories and principles of effective communication can help to make communication in everyday life more effective. Therefore, theories of communication as explained by Is there a relationship among lack of Communication among the family of Mama Blanca and Creation of Problem for Them? Introduction In Memoirs of Mama Blanca, we can see the lack of communication the family between the families of the center of the story.

Mama Blanca's family is regarded as an old patriarchal and authoritarian family, including a long father. In addition, the mother is present in her own "world" did not notice her daughter's life a reality. Miscommunication led to many children. Read more Literature Communication Relationships Children Family Behavior Parents Novel Mama Thesis Statement Time Daughter 3 Pages Good Essay On Using KM Model Part 2 Communication. Communication Situation handling is the process of receiving information about a particular situation, deciding the action plan, implementing the action plan, and assessing performance Wiig, Communication plays an important role in the entire process. If the problem or situation is not clearly understood then it is unlikely to explain the problem to someone else.

Furthermore, the action plan decided upon may not be appropriate in the case of any misunderstanding. This may lead to a waste of resources in terms of cost, time, and energy. Therefore, in order to overcome the problem it is important to correctly interpret the Read more Communication Community Planning Skills Poverty Conflict Actions Communication Skills Situation People Action Plan Solution 2 Pages BAM Business Communication Essay Sample Business Communication. Business Communication for English as a Second Language Speaker In the 21st century, businesses have increased cultural interaction in the workplace. Most places of work have become a haven of multicultural association due to the positive impact it has on running business.

Despite the multicultural benefits, there has emerged certain issues that my cause miscommunication in the offices. Employees who speak English as a second language ESL bring about most of these issues in communication. Stephens, SiIbert, and Hasson argue that though they might have learnt to speak English elsewhere, the native speakers often have a different dialect that may cause Read more Communication Understanding English TESOL Thinking Culture Workplace Employee Speaker Language ESL Conversation 3 Pages Free Report On Aviation Disasters And The Lessons Learned Introduction. Faster travel time, a feat of human imagination and a masterpiece of engineering. These are but some of the things that airplanes embody in the world.

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The employee has different native languages and a lot of Read more Environment Communication Workplace Culture Religion Employee Business Factory Discriminatory Supervisor Difference Discussing 1 Page Data Collection For The Study Report Sample The observations related to Tam Dental are made as a part of this report where their feedback clearly suggested the fact that there were various instances and situations that had led to miscommunication in the office thus leading to impact on operations. The interviews taken clearly indicated that the communication between the doctors, the staff and other support functions was not adequate.

At the outset the communication related to presence and requirement of the support staff was not fixed due to which there were always chances of ambiguity and confusion. The schedules were not created on the basis of Read more Organization Management Communication Workplace Theory Goals Employee Human Resource Management Motivation Time Management Development Progress 10 Pages Good Example Of Why I Live At The P. O Essay Introduction. While in the process of her narration, she unknowingly reveals her characters as well as reveals many family secrets Crow, According to the narrator, her experiences with her Uncle Rondo, her grandfather and her loving mother had always been harmonious until the 4th of July holiday. This is when her younger sister, Stella-Rondo, suddenly leaves her husband to return to her According to reports, the number of English Speakers of Other Languages ESOL students has significantly increased in recent years.

Canadian Bureau for International Education, ; U. S Department of Education, Migration from one country to another for the purpose of education or in search of jobs and opportunities has increased in recent years. Immigrant students are admitted to the school or college at different ages. They come from different circumstances. The students and job seekers are at a loss if they do not have knowledge of English. Communication is necessary for survival in a new country. Immigrants have various kinds of Read more Education Communication Culture Teaching Students Learning Skills Thinking Language Teacher Knowledge English 11 Pages Example Of Research Paper On Theory To Practice: Speaking Difficulties Of International Students Speaking difficulties of International students.

The number of students who travel to other countries for education has increased considerably in recent years. Immigrant students join courses in order to learn English so that they can communicate with the local people, settle in a new country and study the subjects of their interests. Students expect that the courses should not only provide the knowledge of English language but also offer tips that would prepare them in every way to settle in a new culture. They expect to get knowledge about manners and etiquettes of the new country and serve as finishing schools. This renders the situation in a Read more Psychology Education Teaching Students Learning Theory Motivation Study Language Culture Classroom Behavior 15 Pages Sample Essay On Health Information Management As the director of health information management, there are many roles and responsibilities that fall under my portfolio.

However, to sum up my role in one general statement, I am responsible for the management of all information health systems in the hospital including ensuring the security and integrity of these systems. I ensure that the existing systems are utilized as per the set state and federal guidelines and that the manipulation of health information by these systems is secure and also abides by the relevant guidelines. I am also responsible for ensuring the health information systems at my current Read more Health Education Management Information Crime Patient Nursing Medicine Health Information Theft Identity Discipline 8 Pages Good Essay About Tennyson's The Charge Of The Light Brigade The charge of the light brigade refers to the battle between the British and the Russian forces that took place in the led by Lord Cardigan.

This war between the Russian and the British is known as the Crimean war. This was as a result of miscommunication where the brigade was sent to a frontal assault against the Russians who were well prepared for battle. The British wanted to go against the Russians who were firing direct fire that resulted to a high number of casualties. Despite the number of causalities, the British light Brigade suffered they managed to scatter some Read more War Fire Soldiers Russia Victimology England Violence Veterans Battle Russian Forces Miscommunication Commander 3 Pages Free Tri-Sate Tornado Of And The May 22, Tornado In Joplin MO Essay Sample The Great Tri-State Tornado is considered as the deadliest tornado to hit in the history of the United States Thomas, On March 18, , a deadly tornado tore across Southeast Missouri, Southern Illinois and Southwestern Indiana killing hundreds of lives and leaving thousands injured.

The impact of the tornado came from its rapid movement, monstrous size and long track. During the tragedy it was pinpointed that weather forecasters lack the technology to predict, identify or even track severe weather conditions. The communication for Weather forecast was not systematized then. During that fateful day, there were no Weather forecasts heard Read more Tornado Disaster Information Communication Life Tort Law Wind Weather Hit County People Advance 2 Pages Example Of Article Review On Cognitive Science The human brain is divided into two core parts; that is, the minor cerebral hemisphere and the major cerebral hemisphere.

For proper functioning of the brain, the two hemispheres must have a mode of communication. The corpus callosum is a white material between these two hemispheres and through which the hemispheres do communicate. According to Sperry et. al , lack of communication between these two hemispheres causes a definite level of commissural symptoms. However, the extent for which these symptoms occur is not well known. Remarkably, such symptoms are visible when the level, of brain activity is high Sperry, Then human Read more Communication Brain Body Human Actions Aliens Activity Miscommunication Hemisphere Functioning Al Offer 2 Pages Good Research Paper On The Origins Introduction.

African American Vernacular English AAVE is a derivative of English spoken primarily by African Americans in the United States. Even though named African American, this dialect cannot be defined racially since it is not necessary that only African Americans speak this. There are many Americans who are not black yet speak this tongue intrinsically Patrick In a few instances, some people use only certain vocabulary of this version of English, thereby making it difficult to define the actual speakers of this dialect Sidnell Issues arise due to the differences in this dialect with that which is commonly spoken. Read more Education Dialect African American Time English America Study United States AAVE Vernacular Language Students 7 Pages Free Diversity Consulting Case Study Sample Executive Summary.

Walmart is considered to be an extremely intentional in regards to their efforts to be able to attract and develop into a diverse secondary population, despite the fact offering an appealing and complete workplace. As Walmart has developed in the U. and all over the world, the face of our company has changed to be better able to serve our clients by meeting their exclusive wants and needs. Walmart obligation to diversity and inclusion remains in driving business Walmart officially recognized our Office of Diversity. At the moment, Walmart is celebrating a decade of specific focus on inclusion and diversity and Read more Employee Business Diversity Company Culture Walmart Workplace Politics Commerce Corporation Entrepreneurship Policy 7 Pages First Submission Essay Examples Spacehas captivated our imagination right from childhood, and recently, we were privileged to have Mr.

Gordon Leon, an expert with over 30 years experience in space programs, give a lecture on Satellite programs on January 16, Between , Mr. Gordon Leon worked at the Boeing Satellite Development Center, working under various capacities including those of Chief Engineer and Project Manager. Currently, he spends most of his time in technical and management consulting services for small and mid-sized technical companies.

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